| Aggravated Assault |
| All Other Larceny |
| Burglary |
| Counterfeiting/Forgery |
| Credit Card/Automatic Teller |
| Destruction/Damaged/Vandalism |
| Disorderly Conduct |
| Driving Under the Influence |
| Drug Equipment Violations |
| Drug/Narcotic Violations |
| Drunkenness |
| Embezzlement |
| False Pretense/Swindle |
| Family Offense, Non-Violent |
| Impersonation |
| Intimidation |
| Kidnapping/Abduction |
| Liquor Law Violations |
| Motor Vehicle Theft |
| Murder& Non-Negligent Manslatr |
| Other Offense |
| Peeping Tom |
| Rape |
| Robbery |
| Shoplifting |
| Simple Assault |
| Stolen Property Offenses |
| Theft frm Coin Operative Devic |
| Traffic, Hit and Run |
| Trespass of Real Property |
| Weapons Law Violation |
| Wire Fraud |
| <all other values> |